Simple Roof Maintenance Tips

We can show you how to prevent extensive damage your home's roof with a few simple tips.
man cleaning gutter

We understand that taking the time out of your busy schedule to ensure your roof is always in excellent shape can be difficult. But what if we told you that, regardless of the type of roof you have, roof maintenance doesn’t have to be as hard as you may think?

To ensure your roof lives out its entire life cycle and perhaps even exceeds it, all you need is a bit of effort and knowledge. Keeping it regularly maintained and addressing any issues, no matter how big or small, in a timely fashion goes a long way.

To help you save money on repairs and give you the peace of mind you deserve, we’ve rounded up some truly simple yet crucial roof maintenance tips that make all the difference.

Here are the best ways to keep your roof operating problem-free for a long time to come!

Trim Branches Around Your Roof

Are there trees and branches in close proximity to your home? If so, the smartest thing would be to trim them on a regular basis. The reason is very simple. Due to storms and harsh winds, they will likely end up flying freely and damage your roof. So, if you feel like the branches are dangerously close to your home, they most likely are!

Get Rid of Leaves and Debris on Your Roof

Why is this step so important? Because by removing the debris, you are keeping your property protected from likely damage, and at the same time, preventing the appearance of moss. This way, you will also preserve the integrity of your roof and prevent potential structural damage.

Proper Ventilation Makes All the Difference

Simply put – your roof needs to breathe. If you don’t ensure proper ventilation, you can count on heat and moisture wreaking havoc on your roofing system and decreasing the effectiveness of your insulation. The good thing is you can easily prevent this from happening by installing quality insulation that will keep your roof in top shape.

Keep Your Gutters in Check

As we previously mentioned, gutters play a big role in keeping your home safe and protected. They effectively divert water (and debris) away from the roof, but only when they’re in top condition. So, if it’s been a while since you’ve checked your gutters, it would be wise to do it now. That way, you’ll be sure nothing is blocking the water flow and minimize the risk of leaks.

Have Your Attic Inspected After a Storm

We cannot stress the importance of attic inspection enough. After each storm, we suggest that you carefully inspect your attic to ensure that there isn’t any damage. If left unchecked, water damage and weak shingles can lead to much bigger, costlier issues.

Regularly Treat for Moss and Algae

Did you know that having moss and algae growing on your roof can be seriously damaging to your roof? Unfortunately, this is something you can expect primarily during summertime. However, there’s a simple solution! You can have your roof professionally cleaned and protected with preventative products, which will keep moss and algae from reappearing on your roof.

Final Thoughts

Roof maintenance doesn’t have to be that big of a hassle if you simply know what to pay the most attention to. Also, it’s important to have a reliable team of roofers who know that too!

The Jhebert Roofing team is here to help you keep your investment in pristine condition in the most professional way. Contact your trusted roof inspection professionals today, and we promise to protect your residential roofing system for the long run!


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Roof inspection - JHebert Roofing, Lafayette, LA

The Importance of Regular Roof Inspections

The roof serves as the primary protective barrier for your home, safeguarding it from various environmental elements. As such, it is crucial to ensure its optimal condition through regular maintenance.

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